Being married to an entrepreneur can be a bumpy ride, but, if navigated with wisdom and sensitivity, it can also be a thrilling one

By Esther Ilana Rabi

Family Tempo
“This is a war you can’t win. I suggest you give a DNR. Continuing to provide him with care will only prolong his suffering”

By Chaya Sara Schreiber

Yom Tov ends, and it was beautiful, meaningful, but secretly, I look forward to routine and peace and hosing down the mess and sterilizing the premises

By F.P. Leiberson

A Stone’s Throw
I practiced arranging my features into something that I hoped passed for blasé, hoping nobody would see through my insecurities

By Faigy Gold

Map the Starlight
She rocks his shoulder, just slightly. “Forgive me, Papa, for robbing you of your sleep, but I am sorely in need of your wisdom”

By Leah Gebber

Center Stage
Did her husband really think that this was her best effort? Her pride and joy? The most she could do with her life?

By Gila Arnold

On the House
Kaylie was annoyed. “Aren’t you going to ask what it was about? I finally dream, and all I get from you is a nod?”

By Faigy Schonfeld

But then again, the ring stays on my finger while funds come and go. I’ve learned that the hard way

By Leora Rosenberg

The real reason for Jewish alienation isn’t hard to find

By Yonoson Rosenblum

Point of View
Finding the strengths we didn’t know we had

By Rabbi Moshe Grylak zt"l

Sometimes it’s the unsung, uncelebrated deeds that boost a singer into the limelight. Who helped advance these popular entertainers with an unforgettable yet enduring gesture?

By Riki Goldstein

Nothing is real besides the Ribbono shel Olam.

By Riki Goldstein

Normal Like Me
“But Tommy and all the other boys are learning English and math, and they have computers. And I’m left in the village with the babies!”

By Ruti Kepler

Fiction Corner
So now he had a new nickname. Gorilla. Yet another entry on the list of insulting names the rebbi had affixed to him.

By Menachem Pines