“Hi, how are you?” I tried sounding genuine, because so far she’s been really nice and funny, but why was she callin ...
Magazine Feature
Daughter of Rav Yitzchok Zilber ztz”l, known as the Father of Russian Jewry, Rebbetzin Chava Kuperman imbibed her father’s ...
Magazine Feature
Not the Inspiration,All too often, when Yom Kippur ends, so does the inspiration. Our educators and experts say it doesn’t ...
Magazine Feature
When tragedy overturns a child’s world, it’s up to his parents and caregivers to help him navigate the maelstrom of emo ...
Real Life
“She’s for sure a BT,” I heard someone nearby whisper as we waited for her to finish davening, long after the chazza ...
It was almost time for Yizkor, so I left to join those untouched by death, who wait innocently in the lobby,Musings: ...
By Jennifer Tzivia MacLeod