What we say determines what we’ll feel,

By Miriam Aflalo

Magazine Feature
The challenges seemed insurmountable. Her baby could barely eat, might never walk or talk — or so they said. Chaim Ziml ...

By Machla Abramovitz

My husband and I have very different parenting styles. I believe in the 80/20 approach; he believes in authority – peri ...

By Bassi Gruen

My rods were shaped one way and the airplane seat another, we just didn’t click… I shifted, moaned, popped pills, and ...

By Shira Hart

She concludes again, realizing dimly that she’s repeated the exact answer she gave — Shana? Yehudis? — last year, almost word for word. But so what?

By Rochel (Grunewald) Samet

Eye contact is the least of her problems. She walks into my home, her whole body tilted away from me in such obvi ...

By Rivka Streicher

House of Mirrors
When their Succos plans are canceled, Laylee and Gavi Beloff decide to host a chanukas habayis to celebrate their new h ...

By Rachael Lavon

Free Fall
Private Isidore Klein needs a Jewish home for his children after his wife was killed. He sends a telegram to his onl ...

By Miriam Stark Zakon

Magazine Feature
The mechanech’s job has evolved to include much more than imparting knowledge and grading quizzes. Are they up to the t ...

By Riki Goldstein

I couldn’t believe it — the boat was sinking! “Everybody out of the boat!” I commanded. “We’re going to have to swim ...

By C. Saphir

Optimism matters, but who is the greater optimist?

By Yonoson Rosenblum

Cut ‘n Paste
My first week of medical school was an eye-opener

By Ari Grubner

Large families, changing family dynamics, financial pressures, and other daunting responsibilities all mean that much of what used to be under a parent’s purview has shifted to th ...

By Riki Goldstein