Magazine Feature
Frankfurt. London. Letchworth. Mrs. Eva Fachler’s life straddles hundreds of miles and the destruction — and renewal — of ...

By Riki Goldstein

As a teen, I was actually allowed to see the x-ray and hear the doctor’s diagnosis: the whitish-gray shadow was my s ...

By Shira Hart

Real Life
The unspoken consensus was that there was no reason for Hersh to be so high strung. Sure, he was a Survivor, but were not they all?

By Rayzel Reich

Mom refused to budge. “Behind my back you did this! I’m not a piece of garbage, you know.”

By Miriam Klein Adelman

Free Fall
Abe and his friend travel to Chicago, on their way to Moe’s graduation from basic training. Annie wonders if she’ll eve ...

By Miriam Stark Zakon

Learning Curve
Aviva’s husband starts working at the clinic, and embarrasses her by broadcasting their relationship to all the parents. Yael ...

By Gila Arnold

“Why does your family ruin every simchah by dredging up the past?” he asked. “Why do you insist on making every cele ...

By Shoshana Stauber

I felt like the Nine Days were Nine Years,

By Miriam Aflalo

The forest is swarming with Germans, and I’m just six years old, leading a group of even younger children through the trees. Now we’ve come to a fork. One path will lead to freedo ...

By Rabbi Moshe Grylak zt"l

Personal Accounts
The tears of Tishah B’Av contain every pain. They can also contain the seeds of our redemption,

By Faigy Schonfeld and Rebecca Feldbaum and Tehila Sothner

Magazine Feature
The devastating effects of depression reach far beyond the depressed person. How family can deal with the struggle and hel ...

By C.B. Lieber

Becoming the loving person Hashem wants me to be

By Rebbetzin Suri Gibber

Magazine Feature
You may think you’ve never heard of Lifta, but you’ve probably passed it dozens, if not hundreds of times. So look closely the next time you’re traveling on Highway 1, on your way ...

By Aharon Granot

Inoculating our children to the dangers of the outside world ,Strength from Love,Inoculating our children to the dangers of ...

By Yonoson Rosenblum