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"Follow your vision, and stay true to your beliefs and principles. Never just go along and never discard your beliefs. Spirituality is not “juggling” — it’s priorities"

By Moe Mernick

Business Casual
Experts share their wealth of experience

By Musia Slavin

Rav Lopiansky’s model of truth-seeking as applied to the recent election results

By Yonoson Rosenblum

Family First Feature
Our initial article garnered a deluge of thoughtful responses, as women shared their feelings and journeys. Here are some of their voices

By Family First Contributors

Rocking Horse
The woman’s hands are wrinkled, the skin hanging like melting wax. She holds her hand in the air. “She is this high”

By Leah Gebber

Family Reflections
Our actions, especially in marriage, have long-term consequences

By Sarah Chana Radcliffe

Magazine Feature
Are frum doctors fated to become an endangered species? An investigative report into a looming problem

By Elisheva Appel

The Rose Report
After an election season in which separating fact from fiction has been daunting, the answer is not so cut and dry

By Binyamin Rose