Living Room: Brighten the Nights

Chanukah tips and tricks to make the most of these eight nights
Compiled by Ariella Schiller
Readers, Rejoice!
Want some adorable little gifts for the family bookworms? Penina, an avid reader, recently discovered the cutest bookmarks.
Menorah Glow-Up
If your menorah is made of metal or plastic and you need to get that red, white, and blue wax off of it, stick it in the freezer for a bit and the wax will peel right off. If it’s silver, then pour boiling water over it to get off melted wax. Boiling water will help with oil as well — just add soap.
Oopsy Daisy!
You were baking latkes and someone knocked over the oil or dropped an egg on the floor. Kitchen cleanup expert Shaindy says to pour some baking soda or cornstarch on the goopy mess. It solidifies it and makes it easier to scoop up and throw away.
Doughnut Makeover
Bought too many doughnuts for a Chanukah party and now they’ve all gone stale? Try microwaving them for ten to 15 seconds on a damp paper towel. If they’re beyond hope, slice them in half, smash them down, and fry them to make donut chips. You can also make them into French Toast, or crumble them up and add frosting or cream cheese to turn them into cake pops.
Book Bosses
By Ruchi, mother of 7
Looking for an activity for the little ones after candlelighting? Have them get into pajamas and bring their blankets downstairs for a group reading.
Benny’s Mitzvah Notes
by Marc Lumer (Hachai, 2013)
This book has easy enough language and length to make it appropriate for young readers, but mid-level readers will enjoy the story as well. Featuring entertaining illustrations and easy language, with few words but a clear lesson and a heartwarming, surprise ending.
A Chanukah Story for Night Number Three
as told to Dina Rosenfeld (Hachai, 2009)
With great rhymes that make it an easy read, this is an adorably creative story about a Chanukah birthday and the world’s biggest latke.
The Shabbos Kugel Turnaround
Miriam Ribiat (Israel Bookshop, 2018)
This is a sweet, creative book that touches on important lessons in emunah, chesed, and Hashgachah pratis — and with a great twist at the end!
Perfect Present
A match cloche captures the warmth and spirit of Chanukah, with a candle or matches to illuminate cherished mo-ments. Both economical and charming, this little gesture has the power to brighten someone’s day, any time of year.
Galit is the owner and CEO of A Perfect Present
Latke Time-Saver
Need to make your latkes ahead of time? No problem. The best way to keep them tasting fresh is to drain the oil, then spread the latkes out on an ungreased cookie sheet. Reheat on the oven’s convection setting for 7-10 minutes at 375̊ for best crispiness.
Sensory Play
Buy a bag of 50 colorful dreidels and put them into a bin. You can hide coins inside, too! Challenge the kids to color sort… or to pick out the hidden coins. Give kids mini tongs or spoons to add some extra fine motor skill practice. You can also have the kids color-sort their dreidels into different colored cups or bowls.
Avigail Zelmanowitz is an experienced morah
(Originally featured in Family First, Issue 924)
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