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Living Higher: Issue 966

Fear not. Wherever you are, wherever you go, your rebbi is not parting from you


yet another school year reaches its end, teachers and students part, the goodbyes charged with a bittersweet blend of memories and aspirations.

But a beautiful thought from Rabbi Zalman Frager, tenth-grade rebbi at the Mesivta of Cincinnati, speaking to the talmidim at a siyum marking the completion of a masechta, offers an encouraging perspective on these end-of-year goodbyes.

Rabbi Frager quoted the famous derashah of Chazal, who interpret the words “V’shinantam l’vanecha” as a reference to talmidim rather than biological children, and continued with a moving insight.

“The pasuk continues,” Rabbi Frager told his audience, “‘v’dibarta bam, and you should speak of them. B’shivtecha b’veisecha, as you sit in your home, uv’lechtecha va’derech, and as you go on your way.’

“The literal understanding of these words is that wherever you find yourself, the words of Torah should always be on your mind. But perhaps one can suggest that the words b’shivtecha b’veisecha uv’lechtecha va’derech are modifying the vanecha — the talmidim.”

It is they who should always be on our minds, when we’re in our homes and when we’re on the road. V’dibarta bam, says the Torah. We must ensure that our talmidim remain our primary focus and concern.

And so, to the thousands of talmidim who find it difficult to part from their rebbeim: Fear not. Wherever you are, wherever you go, your rebbi is not parting from you.


(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 966)

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