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Living Higher: Issue 915

Why did specifically Shevet Zevulun deserve the blessing of simchah?

AT the end of his life, Moshe Rabbeinu gave brachos to all of the shevatim.  But only to Shevet Zevulun did he bestow the blessing of simchah. “Semach Zevulun b’tzeisecha” — rejoice Zevulun, as you set sail from the coasts, as you engage in your various business dealings.

Why did specifically Shevet Zevulun deserve the blessing of simchah? The pasuk’s continuation provides the answer: “v’Yisaschar b’ohalecha.” Zevulun’s support allows Yisaschar to learn Torah undisturbed. And Hashem assures Zevulun, if you ensure that Yisaschar remains happy, then I’ll ensure that you remain happy. Semach Zevulun b’tzeisecha v’Yisaschar b’ohalecha.

A crowd of 20,000 gathered this past Sunday evening at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to  celebrate the culmination of months’ worth of frenzied networking and organizing by a dedicated group of askanim led by philanthropist Mr. Leizer Scheiner. They invested herculean efforts to raise the kollel stipend of Beth Medrash Govoha’s yungeleit from about $330 a month to a handsome $1,000, raising not only the paychecks but the prestige of Torah as well.

As the thousands of Yisaschars danced hand in hand with their brother Zevulun, all those present felt something, an otherworldly simchah. The roshei yeshivah, the talmidim, and those blessed with the ability to help finance their avodas hakodesh were seeing the fulfillment of Moshe Rabbeinu’s brachah.

Semach Zevulun b’tzeisecha v’Yisaschar b’ohalecha.


(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 915)

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