
Last Minute Decisions

It was pretty unusual to be singing at a chuppah together with Yitzy, but I guess we were meant to meet again so I could get his song

Second Time Around

I wanted to include a chuppah song on my album, so I went to Yitzy Waldner with that request, and he composed something. But it didn’t feel right to me, so I left without purchasing it. Weeks later, when we were already in the production stage of the album, I met Yitzy at a wedding and he said that he had just composed something that he thought I might like. I loved it and sent it to my producer Mendy Hershkowitz right away. It was pretty unusual to be singing at a chuppah together with Yitzy, but I guess we were meant to meet again so I could get his song, “Ani Ve’at,” in the nick of time.

(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 825)

Ani Ve'at
Moshe Tischler