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How do you ensure you keep your clients satisfied?

Don’t take it personally, and don’t make it personal. It’s business. Once it gets personal, it makes it much more difficult to turn things around.

Most customers are kind, caring, and considerate. That being said, mistakes, errors, or even disagreements can create conflicts that turn even the nicest client into your worst client.

Expecting never to disagree with a client is unrealistic. So how do we keep clients happy even as we disagree?

Communication. It’s vital to keep open and honest communication with customers. Even before they make a purchase, ensure you have properly communicated with them what they should expect from your service or product, what your process looks like, when payments are expected, etc. The clearer you are in your communication, the happier the clients will be. Additionally, keep them in the loop often. Ask them how they feel about your service or product.

And if a disagreement occurs, ask the client to share his side, and ask if you can share yours.

Don’t take it personally, and don’t make it personal. It’s business. Once it gets personal, it makes it much more difficult to turn things around.

By keeping the conversation open, cordial, and not personal, you will (most often) be able to come to an agreement. And more importantly, your customer won’t be left with a bad taste in his mouth.

Shlomo Yachnes, high-performance coach for small business owners


I focus on helping the client, not making the sale. I will not push any specific product on a client. Instead, I learn about the client, ask questions, and educate them on the pros and cons of each product.

Moishe Zirkind, Financial Service Professional, NYLIFE Securities LLC

Listen well. Show clients that you’re fully invested in their project and on top of things. Be honest, and apologize if you mess up or miss a deadline. It’s a relationship.

The clients should also realize that they’re dealing with people and feelings. Expressing appreciation to your service provider goes a long way.

It doesn’t make people complacent (“Oh, the client is happy so I don’t have to work too hard to please them.”). It’s the opposite — you’ll get more out of the relationship. A service provider who feels appreciated is more motivated to do their best, more likely go the extra mile or take on that tougher deadline in the future. Appreciation goes a long way!

Yael Miller, Brand Strategist and Creative Director, Miller Creative LLC 


I try to exceed clients’ expectations by delivering the best results without overpromising. Clients are happy when they feel confident that their Realtor is working with the highest level of integrity and is entirely invested in getting them the best deal.

Every transaction needs a lot of siyata d’Shmaya, and I daven for that constantly.

Shifra Cymet, Realtor, Four Points Realty


Clients must really see, feel, and know how much you care about them. Surveys support this. In fact, a study conducted by ReputationXL revealed that 68% of customers will leave a business if they don’t feel the providers care about them. And it’s not that the clients were unhappy with the products or the service the business was offering — it was the feeling that no one cared!

It’s so important to try to understand what clients are feeling and experiencing, what’s not working for them, and to make sure they get the service they want and need.

I have a big team, and they handle most of the day-to-day interaction with my clients. However, if I ever hear that a client isn’t happy about something or is feeling uncertain about a particular issue, I pick up the phone and call the client directly. I think this shows them how much I truly care.

Shia Getter, CEO, The Getter Group


The IKEA Effect: Here’s a Tree Trunk and a Saw, Now Go Build Your Coffee Table!

The IKEA effect is a psychological phenomenon in which people tend to place a higher value on products or services that they have played a role in creating. (It’s named after the Swedish furniture company IKEA, known for its ready-to-assemble furniture, which typically requires customers to put together the items). People tend to view their own creations as extensions of themselves, which can lead to a greater attachment to, and appreciation for, their work.

In the workplace, when employees contribute to a project or have a say in the decision-making process, they are more likely to feel invested in the outcome and take greater pride in their work. This translates into more motivated and devoted employees — with the assumed outcome of higher-quality results.

Additionally, allowing employees to customize their work environment or to take part in shaping their roles and responsibilities also engages this effect; as a result, employees become more engaged and productive. Finally, encouraging collaboration and teamwork — whereby employees work together on projects — creates a “one for all, and all for one,” mentality, which decreases personality conflicts and increases cooperation and communication.

David Lieberman, PhD


(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 973)

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