| The Moment |

Hear Their Voices

Let me hear your voice for your voice is sweet

Rabi Akiva describes Shir Hashirim as “Kodesh Hakodoshim,” and many Yidden observe the ancient minhag of reciting Shir Hashirim on Erev Shabbos, especially in the chassidic courts.

Hashmi’ini es koleich,” the pasuk in Shir Hashirim says, “ki koleich areiv — Let me hear your voice for your voice is sweet.”

A beautiful initiative in the United Kingdom has boys across the country gathering in their respective shuls on Fridays to chant these holy pesukim. As scores of tinokos shel beis rabban let Hashem hear their voices, we can only hope that the sweetness pierces the Heavens, allowing all the love embodied in these pesukim to pour forth in a torrent of brachah and yeshuah for all of Klal Yisrael.


(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 960)

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