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Happening in… Issue 955

Just in time for the traveling season, Interstate Chaveirim launched the “Chaveirim Assist App”

Happening in Interstate, USA

Pesach means lots of travel, as families gather for Yom Tov. Always trying to up their game, Chaveirim — the indispensable organization in frum communities worldwide whose volunteers are ready to change a flat tire, get rid of an unwanted raccoon intruder, and everything in between, all at a moment’s notice — has unveiled its latest initiative.

“Interstate Chaveirim” is a network of existing Chaveirim organizations who are available to help out stranded travelers on interstate highways, towns, or cities not covered by an existing branch. Now, just in time for the traveling season, Interstate Chaveirim launched the “Chaveirim Assist App” to further enable travelers to access the organization's resources.

The app detects whether a Chaveirim organization can service a specific area, and employs location technology to track a user’s whereabouts. So as you head out to your in-laws for Yom Tov, know that the frum world’s “Triple A” is there with you, sans the membership fee, service cost, or excruciating wait time, every step — or mile — of the way.


(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 955)

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