Happening in…South Florida
| November 1, 2022The siyum in South Florida, where Rabbi Efrem Goldberg was one of the first rebbeim of Semichas Chaver
Happening in… South Florida (and beyond)
The Semichas Chaver Program, the brainchild of Rav Elyada Goldvicht, is a program of halachah study for balabatim, taking place in over 90 locations across several countries. At the end of each zeman, participants take a rigorous bechinah, and those who pass receive a certificate of Semichas Chaver, signed by Rav Shlomo Amar, Rav Hershel Schachter, Rav Nebenzahl, and the local rav giving the shiur.
This week, Rav Amar and Rav Schachter participated in major siyumim in South Florida, Baltimore, and New York, celebrating the joy of Torah with inspirational words, question-and-answer sessions, and joyous music and dancing. Pictured above is pictured the siyum in South Florida, where Rabbi Efrem Goldberg was one of the first rebbeim of Semichas Chaver. Attendees at the siyum included the participants of his large shiur, who took the bechinah with a 100 percent pass rate.
(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 934)
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