| The Moment |

Happening in… Issue 928

Giving a new definition to the “United States”

HAPPENING IN… Mississippi

Vzakeini is an initiative of Bonei Olam in which women donate $1 a week in the auspicious moments right before candlelighting to help fund treatments for couples struggling to have children. The movement has taken off, and 45,000 women from 800 cities around the world partake, from various countries and… 48 out of 50 states in the US. When the weekly email went out with the Tehillim names at the end of August, it mentioned that just two states — Mississippi and Wyoming — did not yet have a single person participating. A recipient saw the email and quickly reached out to an old friend living in Mississippi. She happily signed up, bringing the zechus of women donating and davening for childless couples to 49 states in the Union, and giving a new definition to the “United States.”


(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 928)

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