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Happening in…: Issue 919

Torah connects neshamos in a way that makes barriers like geography and time simply fall away


AS Klal Yisrael’s lomdei daf yomi celebrated the siyum on Maseches Yevamos last week, All Daf — the Orthodox Union’s app designed to help lomdim enrich their learning experience through a plethora of shiurim and materials — organized back-to-back communal siyumim in England in both London and Manchester. Both events featured an array of inspirational speakers, live music, and festive dancing. Rabbi Moshe Hauer, the OU’s executive vice president, and Rabbi Moshe Elefant, COO of OU Kosher, joined Rabbi Moshe Schwed, All Daf’s director, and Rabbi Asher Tesser, All Daf’s project manager, on the marathon through England.

For one member of London’s frum community, the arrival of the OU leadership afforded him an opportunity to meet a rebbi he’d learned under for well over a decade but had never met in person. Mr. Ashley Cohen had been a steady listener of Rabbi Elefant’s daf yomi shiur for 17 years. Pictured at left are Rabbi Elefant and Mr. Cohen, rebbi and talmid, meeting for the first time but feeling as if they’d known each other for years.

Because Torah connects neshamos in a way that makes barriers like geography and time simply fall away.


(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 919)

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