| Family First Serial |

For Granted: Chapter 31

Dini smiled to herself as she hung up the phone. Wonder of wonders! Ayala had come to realize the value of fundraising after all! 


“Absolutely no Chesed Tzirel talk,” Dini said, as she placed the box of chocolate pralines on the coffee table and sat down on the couch next to Ayala.

Chaviva had cleared out of the living room long ago, utterly mortified by the sight of her mother dancing with her friend like a giggly teenager.

Ayala smiled. “Okay. So then, I came over because, uh, I was in the mood for some really good chocolate.” She took a praline from the box.

Dini laughed. “You got here just in time. I almost devoured the entire thing before you came.”

Ayala snorted. “Right. I’ll believe that when I see it.” She looked down at the chocolate in her hand for a moment. Clearing her throat, she said, “I’m sorry for — er — causing you to want to eat an entire box of chocolates.” She looked sideways at Dini, whose mouth twitched.

“You’d better believe you need to ask mechilah for that. Lucky for you, I kept my self-control.”

“Phew.” Ayala grinned. “You know, my Tziri is like you. Thin as a stick, and insists on making herself salads when dinner is hot dogs.” She shook her head. “Where did I go wrong, huh?” Her face turned serious. “Of course, it could be because of all her heart issues that she’s motivated to keep herself healthy.”

Dini wasn’t interested in having the conversation turn heavy; they’d had too many of those recently. “Or it could be because she’s a teenager and obsessed with the way she looks. Not everyone can have your self-confidence, Ayala,” she teased.

Ayala’s eyes widened. “Self-confidence? Ha! You mean stubbornness. I prided myself on being totally above superficial things like weight and diets.” She smiled ruefully. “And that’s why you look like you do and I look like I do, huh?”

Dini waved her hand. “Oh, right, you’re totally overweight.” She laughed. “You don’t need salads and self-control. You’re too busy running around helping the world to have time to eat.” Her eyes twinkled. “But we’re not going to talk about that.” She leaned back on the couch. “The twins’ bas mitzvah is coming up, isn’t it?  What are your plans?”

Excerpted from Mishpacha Magazine. To view full version, SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE or LOG IN.

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