| Family First Serial |

For Granted: Chapter 28

“I always knew you were incredible,” Bracha said. “But until I saw it today, I didn’t quite understand how incredible you are”


Dini stared at the WhatsApp message for a moment, then let out a triumphant, “Hah!”

“What happened?” Chaviva asked, looking up from her salmon salad. (After all the work Dini had put into today’s event, she’d figured she deserved to serve the leftovers for dinner. Even if Shuki did mutter about women’s food and threaten to go buy himself a burger.)

Face pink, she quickly closed her tablet. They’d never actually made a “no screens at dinner” rule because, face it, she was the only one in the family who even had that issue, but still, she hated feeling like a businesswoman who was too busy to put down her device while eating supper with her family. In her mind, she associated that persona with her sister, though, to be fair, Eliana probably turned her phone off during dinner. It was the type of value she could picture Eliana smugly asserting as nonnegotiable in her household: “I’d never check my phone during dinner. Family time is sacred.” Noble, from a lady who walked through the door five minutes beforehand and sat down to a meal prepared by her housekeeper.

Dini frowned at herself. Stop being catty. Would she ever get over feeling inferior to her sister?

Shuki, who despite his grumbling was already on his fourth avocado wrap, shot Dini a questioning glance. “What’s the good news?”

Dini hesitated for a moment, but the whole family was staring at her expectantly. “Not such a big deal,” she waved her hand. “I got a WhatsApp from Eliana. Zeesie Stark posted on Instagram about her Chesed Tzirel cooking demo. Eliana wanted to let me know she’d seen it.”

What she’d actually written was, Zeesie Stark? Nice one, Dini with an emoji of clapping hands. But Dini would just sound stupid if she tried to express how much that tiny compliment had boosted her ego.

Excerpted from Mishpacha Magazine. To view full version, SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE or LOG IN.

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