| Double Dance |

Double Dance: Chapter 24

“I’m not sure how, but the girls suddenly speaking to me must be part of Devory’s plan”



o?” Shoshie said to Miri on their way to the lunchroom.

“Devory didn’t look at me all morning,” Miri knew exactly what Shoshie’s one-word inquiry referred to. “I just know she has something up her sleeve.”

“At least the girls in the class are speaking to you.”

“Yeah, one even complimented me on my hair.”

“That’s good, I think.”

Miri scoffed. “I’m not sure how, but the girls suddenly speaking to me must be part of Devory’s plan.”


They entered the lunchroom and found seats.

“Here,” Miri emptied the contents of her brown bag onto the table. “Take your pick. I know you’re hungry.”

“Thanks!” Shoshie didn’t argue, nor politely decline Miri’s offer, and Miri was, again, warmed by the easy friendship they had.

“Mind if I take these?” Shoshie chose a bag of cut-up vegetables and a fruit roll.

“Sure.” Miri unwrapped her sandwich and handed half to Shoshie.

Shoshie’s eyes lit up. “Thanks, Miri.”

“My mother makes the best tuna in the whole world. You have to try it. See those?” She pointed to some small green pieces. “It’s sour pickles.”

“Yum. Let’s go wash.”

The lines at the sinks were long, but not long enough that Miri didn’t notice Devory drying her hands on a piece of paper towel. She squared her shoulders as Devory walked her way. Devory looked at Miri’s hair, and Miri thought she saw a flash of approval in her expression.

“Hi.” Miri hadn’t planned to speak to Devory, but with the sudden rush of confidence, she thought, why not? “I’m sorry about yesterday. I really didn’t mean anything by it.”

Devory looked at her as though she had spoken Chinese.

Miri felt the temperature rise in her cheeks. “I-I …um,” she licked her lips. “You’re going to love the tuna sandwich.”

Miri realized too late how silly she sounded. “In your lunch.” She tried to save face.  “It’s really good. Ma makes the best tuna.”

“Dumb me,” Miri said after Devory grunted and strode away. “Why did I have to speak to her?”

“Yeah,” Shoshie said, “That did sound a little weird.”

“Great, now she thinks I’m mean and dumb.”

Shoshie gave her a sympathetic pat on the back as Miri turned her head in time to see Devory take a tiny nibble of her sandwich. She watched Devory’s nose instantly wrinkle, and the sandwich drop from her hands. She said something to the girls at her table, and they doubled over in laughter.

Miri watched in shock as Devory made a grand show of rewrapping the sandwich, all the while acting as though she was nauseous. Dangling the sandwich between her thumb and index figure as though it were dirty, she walked purposefully to the garbage can and dropped it in. She wiped her hands on her skirt, then smiled in Miri’s direction before returning to her seat.

The girls laughed again at something Devory said, and lunch continued as usual.

Miri felt a hand on her arm. “Don’t let her get to you.”

(Excerpted from Mishpacha Jr., Issue 802)

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