Corn on the Cob
| May 20, 2020CORN MAIZE
Corn is called maize in many English-speaking countries. This comes from Spanish word, maíz.
Can You Ear Me?
An average ear of corn has 800 kernels in 16 rows, and will always have an even number of rows on each cob.
Sugary Sweet
Both Coca Cola and Pepsi contain corn sweeteners; a bushel of corn can sweeten 400 cans of soft drink.
Cold and Hot
With the exception of Antarctica, corn is produced in every continent in the world.
Need Ideas?
We want to hear from you. What ingredient do you have in your fridge or pantry that you’re wondering what to do with and need an idea and/or recipe for? We’ve got you covered. E-mail us your choice ingredient at and we’ll print three recipes for it! (Originally featured in Family Table, Issue 691)
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