ScreenshotWednesday, January 29, 2020Don’t Do PollyannaOne by one, the women shared their impressions. And a steady theme repeated itself
ScreenshotWednesday, January 08, 2020Make It BetterWhere does feedback come from, and how do we make sure it keeps coming?
Hindsight Is 2020Wednesday, December 18, 2019This Isn’t the MUSIC of 2010We’re closing a decade and Jewish music has stretched, expanded, blurred
ScreenshotWednesday, December 11, 2019Screaming ShabbosIs tolerance a uniquely American concept, a value that just couldn’t survive the heat on its ill-fated journey to the Mideast?
ScreenshotWednesday, November 27, 2019Art and CraftIs writing craft or art? If you don’t have it, can you ever find it?
ScreenshotWednesday, November 13, 2019The Concert That Wasn’tAfter a week of drama, outrage, and poisonous name-calling, the cancellation of the concert might have been the most peaceful conclusion. But it was also the saddest
True AccountWednesday, October 30, 2019Disappearing ActSomething was so strange about this little girl and her request. Something didn’t add up. What was bothering me so much?
ScreenshotWednesday, October 30, 2019Not There YetOnce again I learned that I’m not the one writing the script
Linked SupplementThursday, October 10, 2019The Apartment Above the ShtibelNow, in hindsight, I wonder about it. A shul that had a rebbetzin, and no official rav? But back then it seemed natural
Linked SupplementThursday, October 10, 2019Editor’s LetterKnowing where we come from gives us purpose and passion as we find our way forward
ScreenshotWednesday, September 11, 2019Something from NothingA flash of inspiration is a Divine gift that falls into our minds or our laps