Rabbi Henoch Plotnik

Rabbi Henoch Plotnik

Guest Columnist

Rabbi Henoch Plotnik is a talmid of the yeshivos of Philadelphia and Ponovezh. He joined the Chicago Community Kollel in 1985 and has since been active in Rabbonus and Chinuch for over 25 years.

He currently acts as a R”M of Yeshivas Me’or HaTorah-Chicago as well as a Rabbinical advisor for Aneinu Women’s Tehillim organization.

Rabbi Plotnik is a Rabbi for both Shloimie’s Club and the incredible LINKS organization, both of which provide services for yesomim.

Aside from regularly speaking at conventions and Shabbatonim he writes periodically for various publications on halachic and hashkafic topics.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
When the einei ha’eidah speak, let’s open our own eyes and follow their vision
Wednesday, October 02, 2019
Make Yom Kippur a day of friendship; He'll make it a day of forgiveness
Wednesday, August 07, 2019
Another zechus for the neshamah of Alta Ruda bas Avraham
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Jewish leaders don’t need to be declared or coronated
Shul of My Youth
Monday, December 24, 2018
Rav Shlomo Margolis used his old-world charm to build a shul that was home to all kinds of Jews