LifeTakesTuesday, December 17, 2024More Cookies I love it, because giving cookies is what bubbies do. And to be honest, it’s an easy out to a conversation going nowhere
WindowsTuesday, August 27, 2024Apron Strings Yes, but what if? I pull on my apron, tie the strings, swish and wash and rinse
LifeTakesTuesday, July 09, 2024Video Call I’m happy to see that there’s no laundry in the background of these clips
EncountersTuesday, May 14, 2024Calm DownA tiny shadow of a little girl. Standing. On the outside of the open windowpane. On the sill as narrow as a tea biscuit.
Family First FeatureTuesday, May 14, 2024Not Child’s PlayPlay therapy. For Adults. While the image of a middle-aged woman playing with dolls may raise your eyebrows, some women say it changed their lives.
LifeTakesTuesday, April 02, 2024Color My Number Tzvi pushes out his chair. “You’re going to win anyway, Mommy, why should I play?”
LifeTakesTuesday, March 21, 2023No Thank You“Would you make this house into a home for me? For us?” I ask.
WindowsTuesday, March 07, 2023Hocus Pocus I’m about to toss the dough when something keeps me back. Is it maturity, or perseverance, or age or time?
LifeTakesTuesday, January 31, 2023In Miniature “Choose one,” I hear myself say. I suck in my breath because I hadn’t known I was going to say it until after I did
LifeTakesTuesday, October 25, 2022Potato Kugel Power I’m engrossed in the squiggles on my screen when… crash, clatter, thump. I run and halt at a kitchen disaster zone
LifeTakesTuesday, December 21, 2021Checkmate Not so, Dovid says. When you keep your pieces safe, you’re not playing chess right