The CurrentTuesday, October 12, 2021Identity Theft Will an unholy alliance destroy Israel’s Jewish character?
Magazine FeatureWednesday, September 29, 2021Bridging the Gulf Ambassador Eitan Na’eh bridges the gulf between Israel and its Arab neighbors
Magazine FeatureTuesday, September 14, 2021Supreme Values Rabbi Marcus Solomon, appointed to the Supreme Court of Western Australia, looks to bridge the worlds of Torah and Western legal tradition
Magazine FeatureTuesday, September 14, 2021Underground Railroad How chassidic activist Moshe Margareten saved desperate Afghans from the Taliban
ImpressionsThursday, September 09, 2021The Old Soldier of GatesheadOne thing, though, was clear: It was Rav Ze’ev’s radiant face and rabbinic dignity that brought that salute again and again
Magazine FeatureTuesday, August 31, 2021Diplomatic Note Malcolm Hoenlein writes the rulebook for diplomatic success, and wants Orthodox Jews to step up
One of the FlockTuesday, August 31, 2021Singing the Anthem Avinu Malkeinu swelling from hundreds of scarcely observant Jews remains my defining Rosh Hashanah–Yom Kippur experience
WorldviewTuesday, August 31, 2021America’s Auto-immune AttackSearching for a unifying, global theme for 5781, it’s hard to escape two conclusions
The SoapboxTuesday, August 17, 2021Jihadis+Territory= Terror This is a disaster of generational dimensions, not just embarrassing but dangerous to America