ParshahTuesday, May 16, 2023To Capture the FlagIt’s remarkable that despite the fact that the Shevatim were now separating into separate camps, this didn’t cause the discord Moshe feared
ParshahTuesday, May 09, 2023Mighty MommyOne who controls his yetzer hara reaches that same level of mesirus nefesh as the shemittah observers
ParshahTuesday, May 02, 2023Teaching and Reaching“If a Jew decides to learn Torah only for himself, Hashem may not give it to him!”
ParshahTuesday, April 25, 2023Road Rage RemedyA Jew doesn’t act as an individual, but as part of the klal
ParshahTuesday, April 18, 2023Pertinacious ProgenyThose deficiencies we see in others are really there in ourselves
I'm StuckMonday, April 03, 2023“My Daughter’s School Dress Code Isn’t Mine”“Teenagers are shrewd observers, and they can’t be fooled. It doesn’t matter what you say. What you do matters. Who you are matters”
ParshahMonday, April 03, 2023Pesach PerspectiveTo truly experience Yom Tov, the feelings have to come from a deeper source
ParshahTuesday, March 28, 2023Past, Present, and FutureWe separate the ashes as a symbolic gesture to publicly declare the significance of yesterday’s service
ParshahTuesday, March 21, 2023Rhyme and ReasonThe goal of the Seder is to teach emunah, and a primary aspect of emunah is belief that everything happens for a reason
ParshahTuesday, March 14, 2023A Tale of Two ValuesWhen a person uses his daas to serve Hashem with his physical assets, he combines the spiritual world with the physical world
I'm StuckTuesday, March 07, 2023“My Husband’s Changing — and I’m Not on Board”“It’s important to realize that he, like you, is a work in progress”