ParshahTuesday, February 13, 2024Fake it — Make it!By giving to others we can carry out Chazal’s requirement to be happy in Adar
ParshahTuesday, February 06, 2024All Rise for Judge MommyA rabbinical court that finds suitable compromises is to be commended
ParshahTuesday, January 30, 2024Bring in the GoatsHashem still does good to people who do wrong. We need to emulate Him and do the same
ParshahTuesday, January 23, 2024Fill in the BlankAz Yashir is a song with immense spiritual power, and Bnei Yisrael realized that they were composing a song for all future generations
ParshahTuesday, January 16, 2024Once Upon a ChildWe are an exalted and holy people. We need to recognize our role in the world and dress the part
Medical MysteryTuesday, January 09, 2024Immune to DespairI had no symptoms, but a blood test sounded the alarm
ParshahTuesday, January 09, 2024A Time to ThinkPharaoh’s plan is employed by the yetzer hara on a daily basis
ParshahTuesday, January 02, 2024Of Hands and SnakesBoth physical strength and intellectual power emanate solely from Hashem
ParshahTuesday, December 26, 2023A Rose by Any NameThe Geulah can only come about when there’s true achdus among all of Klal Yisrael
ParshahTuesday, December 19, 2023Three-Pronged PrayerSometimes Hashem, kiveyachol, joins man, and “borrows” his mouth to pray together with him
ParshahTuesday, December 12, 2023With Belief and Trust“What we do know is that everything Hashem does is for the good. How is it good? That we cannot comprehend”