ParshahTuesday, July 13, 2021BeachedThis was a fitting time for Moshe to deliver focused words of rebuke
ParshahTuesday, July 06, 2021Tower of FaithIt’s only through a spiritual and noble life that one’s name is perpetuated
ParshahTuesday, June 22, 2021Touch TypingWhy does the Mishnah contrast the middos of Avraham and Bilaam rather than Bilaam and Moshe?
ParshahTuesday, June 15, 2021They’re Playing My SongIt’s at times such as these that we all must assume leadership responsibilities
ParshahTuesday, June 01, 2021Driver’s EdIf only we saw ourselves as agents of Hashem, we’d act differently
ParshahTuesday, May 25, 2021Little GuysThe love Hashem has for His children is the thread running through the Torah that binds us to Him
ParshahTuesday, May 18, 2021Zeidy’s BrachahAll it took were for these souls to open their eyes and see what Hashem was showing them