Follow MeTuesday, October 05, 2021Follow Me: Chapter 31 Lemongrass: Sounds sick to me. Overstepping bounds for sure. Find a new therapist
Follow MeWednesday, September 29, 2021Follow Me: Chapter 30Over time, Pessie had come to recognize that functional was relative, and the Hersko clan didn’t suffer from the last-minute frenzied Shabbos prep
CalligraphyTuesday, September 14, 2021The Electrician’s WifeThe excitement, the energy, the… the sparkle. Who said it was reserved for twenty-year-olds?
Follow MeTuesday, September 14, 2021Follow Me: Chapter 29 There was a crackle on the line, and the voice coming through the speaker was muffled. Muffled, but familiar
Family First FeatureTuesday, September 14, 2021The Great, Super-Duper Chol Hamoed Trip“This year,” your newly inaugurated teen pleads, “can we please do something real? Like every normal family?"
Follow MeThursday, September 09, 2021Follow Me: Chapter 28 Did they realize what a loss they’d experienced? Did they realize this was forever, this odd void they could hardly identify, being so young and clueless?
Follow MeTuesday, August 31, 2021Follow Me: Chapter 27Hindy waddled out of the water, flailing her arms. “My knee — it’s b-b-burning!”
One of the FlockTuesday, August 31, 2021The Baal Tefillah’s Daughter I doubt she ever realized that a little kid, her admiring student, was impacted by her tefillos
Follow MeTuesday, August 24, 2021Follow Me: Chapter 26 That afternoon, when she had to part from Zissi, Malkie, and Motti, her pep-talk blew up in her face
Follow MeTuesday, August 17, 2021Follow Me: Chapter 25 A slight shiver coursed through his body. This was really happening. This time last year, who would’ve thought?
Follow MeTuesday, August 10, 2021Follow Me: Chapter 24 Maybe they would talk. Really talk, figure out where they were going wrong, how to get their marriage on track