Follow MeMonday, April 11, 2022Follow Me: Chapter 58 She appreciated her husband’s spirit, but couldn’t there be a balance? An unassuming desk job, with some side passion as an outlet?
Follow MeTuesday, April 05, 2022Follow Me: Chapter 57 “I was going to buy you chassan Bereishis,” Lieberman said. “But if I can win you over this way….”
Follow MeTuesday, March 29, 2022Follow Me: Chapter 56 Ruthie was right. People would forget, very quickly, and that… that was probably the worst of it
Follow MeTuesday, March 22, 2022Follow Me: Chapter 55 "No matter how you do it — no matter where your culinary skills are at — we know it’s never about the food, it’s about the people behind it”
Follow MeTuesday, March 15, 2022Follow Me: Chapter 54 “The show is over. I’m over. History. Find me a flight home. Schedule me an appointment with a plastic surgeon”
SidekickTuesday, March 08, 2022How Do You Get Up?We all know that Purim costumes are more than just a cute minhag that Klal Yisrael practices
Follow MeTuesday, March 08, 2022Follow Me: Chapter 53 Everyone was staring at her. The tour guests. Leah, her mother, her sisters. The Lizmans. The whole world
Family Farce: Purim 5782Tuesday, March 08, 2022Family Farce Tempo: The Missing Drawer Bruchy suffered terribly, either with the challenge of mothering eight kids under the age of nine, or with an only child, or with the sudden fear that her first sentence was terri ...
Follow MeTuesday, March 01, 2022Follow Me: Chapter 52Deena felt blood rushing to her face. No, Miri. No! You didn’t just imply to the audience that I copy recipes. How could you?
Viral GrowthTuesday, February 22, 2022Ever GratefulTwo years later, those Covid-inspired kabbalos and resolutions are still keeping us going. Eight personal accounts
Follow MeTuesday, February 22, 2022Follow Me: Chapter 51 Ugh. Why had he made that ridiculous promise to her? Did he really have to do this?