Azriela Jaffe

Azriela Jaffe

Azriela Jaffe devotes most of her writing these days to writing holocaust memoirs for families who wish to document the survivor’s life story for future generations. She is a public speaking professor for Rutgers University and is known throughout the Jewish world as “The Chatzos Lady.” (www.chatzos.com).

Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Shalom bayis. It’s one thing to learn about it in a shiur. It’s quite another to share a household with your husband every single day
On Topic
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
A fall down the stairs, a blow to the head, a car accident — what happens to those who survive a traumatic brain ...
Magazine Feature
Wednesday, February 06, 2013
The weatherman predicted a few flakes. But when those flurries snowball into a full-blown blizzard on Erev Shabbos, amazing ...
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
“Am I dumb or smart?” Rivka Tucker spent years trying to answer this question. She couldn’t understand why she was stum ...
Family First Feature
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
For many years, two sisters never revealed to anyone that their mother was…different. That she never cooked or cleaned, not even for Shabbos. That verbal and physical abuse were e ...
Family First Feature
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
It’s not a disease. It’s a medical condition — and one that’s relatively easy to live with. Kids and teens with type ...
Family First Feature
Wednesday, February 02, 2011
Mention Crohn’s disease, and you will inevitably receive a slew of reactions. The symptoms, challenges, and personal perspective ...