Words UnspokenMonday, April 03, 2023Dear AskanNot because she didn’t want to, but because she was advised by a specific askan not to tell her family
Words UnspokenTuesday, March 14, 2023Dear FriendI was never tested; if faced with an endless wait like this, would I sink or swim?
Know ThisTuesday, March 07, 2023Social AnxietyIt feels like everyone is staring at me, pityingly, scornfully, wondering why I’m not participating in the conversation
Words UnspokenTuesday, February 28, 2023To the Woman Who Called at MidnightDon’t you want your son to learn to experience the simchah of Purim without relying on alcohol?
Family Farce: Purim 5783Tuesday, February 28, 2023Words Unspoken — An Open Letter to My Parents Regarding My Feeding Schedule from Your Three-Month-Old FirstbornWe forgot to weigh him. Daddy! How would you like it if I weighed you before and after the shul kiddush?
Words UnspokenTuesday, February 14, 2023To My Dear ChildrenI can’t invite only some of you. I can’t invite all of you. Instead, Tatty and I invite none of you
Words UnspokenTuesday, January 24, 2023Dear Mrs. W.,Mrs. W., when I came to your house for Shabbos, I realized how much I didn’t know
Words UnspokenTuesday, January 10, 2023Dear NeighborI closed my eyes and pictured the bassinet next to my bed and that the crying infant was my baby
Words UnspokenTuesday, December 20, 2022Dear Daughter-in-Law,I’d only met you once. How was I supposed to know what you liked?
Words UnspokenTuesday, December 06, 2022Dear ShadchanIs this teaching healthy communication? What about when they get into an inevitable disagreement?
Words UnspokenTuesday, November 01, 2022Dearest Mommy“Thank you for teaching me these lessons and helping me grow into a mature adult”