Latest Whispers
Shira Hart
Shira Hart
Shira Hart
Shira Hart
Family Room Feature
Mood boards to inspire your bathroom updates, from small to large, black to white — and all the colors in between
Family Room Contributors
Family Room Feature
Foundational concepts when considering a bathroom refresh
Yali Katz
Rerouted: Pesach Theme 5783
Sometimes it’s the detours that remind us Who forms man’s footsteps and watches over His nation
Sarah Massry
Secrets Revealed
While we hold our secrets close to our hearts, sometimes they slip out. Five stories
Miriam Klein Adelman
Secrets Revealed
While we hold our secrets close to our hearts, sometimes they slip out. Five stories
Gitel Moses
Shooting Stars
As long as I’m here, I’m given the strength. To endure. To survive and smile
Shira Gold
Shooting Stars
The steel, stinging bars weren’t only literal. I had nearly imprisoned my soul
Shira Gold
Two Cents
Unsolicited advice from people with no qualifications but many opinions
Michali Naiman and Chana Fishman
Two Cents
When it comes to peeves, we don’t have a pet, we have a whole zoo
Michali Naiman and Chana Fishman
More Whispers

I was confused, then relieved, and finally angry. Why had I lived for so long in fear of the unknown?,

By Shira Hart


As a teen, I was actually allowed to see the x-ray and hear the doctor’s diagnosis: the whitish-gray shadow was my spine, twisted into an S-shape,

By Shira Hart


This time her question wasn’t about my hands or feet, or my height or weight. It was global: “Why are you so weird?”

By Shira Hart


At the grand age of six, I already knew many important things. One: doctors like poking people. Two: parents don’t like explaining things.

By Shira Hart