Latest War Diaries
War Diaries
Shira Yehudit Djalilmand
War Diaries
Elana Moskowitz
War Diaries
Bashie Lisker
War Diaries
Zahava Emanuel
War Diaries
Family First Contributors
Double Take
She was definitely the tzadeikes of the family. Who would’ve thought?
Rochel Samet
Double Take
True, you gave me my big break. But does that mean I owe you for life?
Rochel Samet
In the Arms of Rabi Shimon
Current events have uncovered a deep rot within our cities and suburbs—an ancient hate rooted too deeply to ever eradicate The Protest on Pico As told to Rivki Silver by Rachel M. ON Shabbos, the rav warned us there would be a protest. His shul, Adas Israel, would be hosting  a real estate fair featuring
Mishpacha Contributors
In the Arms of Rabi Shimon
We’re holding on, Tatteh. Listen to the hespedim, listen to the anguished voices as they praise You
Yisroel Besser
A Stone’s Throw
“Something happened today and I need your advice. Would I be able to come over to your house and show you something?”
Faigy Gold
A Stone’s Throw
As I passed, I nodded hello and even ventured a “Chodesh tov.” He looked at me, and suddenly held up his hand. The whole line stopped
Faigy Gold
Home Sweet Home
he stranger and Ta looked at each other. Both burst out laughing. The man opened his arms wide, got up, and threw them around Ta
Leeba Leichtman
Home Sweet Home
“Mindy needs special medicine to help her feel better, so she has to stay in the hospital overnight,” he explained to Eli
Rochel Samet
Always in Season
How holiday businesses stay lucrative year-round
Rochel Burstyn
Always in Season
How holiday businesses stay lucrative year-round
Rochel Burstyn
More War Diaries
War Diaries

“Here I am, panhandlers and druggies!” I’d feel like shouting. “You can’t get me now! If I need anything, there’s someone who would fight for me!”

By Aidel Loeb

War Diaries

Would we — given the same set of circumstances — transgress to a similar, morally bankrupt degree?

By Ester Zirkind

War Diaries

We thought we’d be safe in the North, at home.

By Tzippi Rose

War Diaries

Then Motzaei Shabbos comes. The Internet tells me a hundred explosive-laden drones are already on their way to Israel. Even my husband is a little nervous.

By Raizy Jotkowitz

War Diaries

I couldn’t stand in the way of him doing what he felt he needed to do

By Elana Moskowitz

War Diaries

I wish I could say I was excited to go back, and that our return home was smooth. But I wasn’t, and it wasn’t

By Mindel Kassorla