Latest Veiled Reference Podcast
My Miracle
Alight. Five stories of salvation
Mindel Kassorla
My Miracle
Five stories of salvation
Family First Contributors
Top 5
In honor of Shavuos, my top five
Ahron Cohn
Top 5
"This historically themed but very relevant train adventure puts you in the shoes of a shtetl Yid seeking a shidduch!"
Ahron Cohn
Concentric Circle
Already by Birchos haShachar I’ve remembered eight urgent things to do
Esther Sender
Concentric Circle
Separation is extremely complicated and highly dangerous in most cases — often one or both twins doesn’t make it.
Torah Thought
Torah leaders confronting the Enlightenment were forced to develop innovative and original approaches to preserving and transmitting the mesorah. Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch’s groundbreaking commentary on Chumash stands out.
Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff
I hope you can use this inspiration to create a beautiful table of your own
Shiri Feldman
Here’s a peek at what I did so you can create your own Yom Tov table — complete with elegant linen, stunning flowers, and complementary candlesticks.
Shiri Feldman
More Veiled Reference Podcast
Veiled Reference Podcast

Glikl of Hameln is a familiar and beloved character to Jewish history enthusiasts. In this episode, we dive beneath the surface of Glikl’s words to deeply appreciate the forces at play for women of her era.
In conversation with Professor Elisheva Carlebach.
Dr. Carlebach is the Salo Wittmayer Baron Professor of Jewish History, Culture, and Society, at Columbia University.


BONUS MINIPOD: Shabtai Zvi, Birkas Kohanim, and the Path Away from the Kosel

By Tzipora Weinberg

Veiled Reference Podcast

The Silent Strength of Joanna of Burgos

Joanna is a name most people won’t recognize, but her story is one for the ages. This episode describes one woman’s faith under fire, in the aftermath of the 1391 massacres in Spain, and the ways women kept their faith throughout the years of the Spanish Inquisition.

In conversation with Yael Krumbein.
Yael teaches European History at Touro College’s Lander College for Women in New York City and Jewish history at Bais Yaakov Machon Ora High School in Passaic, NJ


MINI-POD: The Rivash and the Chasid Yavetz on women’s challenges and triumphs in Spain, 1391-1492

By Tzipora Weinberg

Veiled Reference Podcast

In this episode we unpack the hidden riches of the Cairo Geniza, the largest and most diverse collection of medieval manuscripts in the world, focusing primarily on  Jewish women’s stories as they emerge directly from Geniza documents.

In conversation with Eve Krakowski, Professor of Near Eastern Studies and the Program in Judaic Studies at Princeton University.

MINI-POD The Calendar Controversy: R’ Saadia Gaon and R’ Aharon Ben Meir

By Tzipora Weinberg

Veiled Reference Podcast

Part 1: Doña Gracia’s Rise to Power
It’s absolutely appropriate to begin our quest with a remarkable woman, Doña Gracia Mendes Nasí, who was nothing short of exceptional. And I’m thrilled to dive into her incredible story with Miriam Wielgus, who is pretty incredible herself.
In part 1 of this 2 part episode, we explore Doña Gracia’s rise to power, amid the political, cultural, and religious landscape of her era.

Part 2: Doña Gracia’s Reach and Legacy
In part 2, we discover the extent of Doña Gracia’s power in every sphere of influence during the era, and the way she used her vast wealth to improve the welfare of her Jewish brothers and sisters in multiple countries. We also get a peek into an intriguing legal and halachic conflict between Doña Gracia and her own sister, which is referenced in our sources several times, and still studied today.

** The full discussion of the halachic sources referenced in the episode can be found here.

MINI-POD BONUS: The Responsa on Doña Gracia’s Legal Conflict:

By Tzipora Weinberg