Latest Unlock Your Heart
Unlock Your Heart
Faigie Zelcer and Leah Gebber
Unlock Your Heart
Faigie Zelcer and Leah Gebber
Unlock Your Heart
Faigie Zelcer and Leah Gebber
Unlock Your Heart
Faigie Zelcer and Leah Gebber
Unlock Your Heart
Faigie Zelcer and Leah Gebber
Change of Heart
I do have a new understanding of how the world works. I knew it all along, but it’s a little more real to me now
Leora Hammer
Change of Heart
I didn’t want to do it in fear. I wanted to do it with trust. The ride of my life
Leora Hammer
With the conviction that we are nothing, we declare Him King
Rabbi Menachem Nissel
It's the small acts that make big people
Rabbi Menachem Nissel
Tech Wire
It’s a cool milestone, and don’t argue that Android is ahead
Esther Kurtz
Tech Wire
There really is no safe place
Esther Kurtz
Voices for Eternity
Esther was prepared to sacrifice everything—her very life and even her portion in Olam HaBa—for the sake of the people
Rebbetzin Shira Smiles
Voices for Eternity
The tefillos of men are carried upward through the prayers and tears of the women
Rebbetzin Shira Smiles
War Diaries
Armed with tefillin and neiros, Riki Siton is fighting to free the hostages
Elana Moskowitz
War Diaries
In Tzfas, the war looms in every silence
Bashie Lisker
More Unlock Your Heart
Unlock Your Heart

When we can’t identify the strivings of our souls, the siddur identifies them and gives them words

By Faigie Zelcer and Leah Gebber

Unlock Your Heart

We think we feel too little; we actually feel too much

By Faigie Zelcer and Leah Gebber

Unlock Your Heart

When we learn to let go of results-driven tefillah, we can open up to the idea of tefillah being a connection

By Faigie Zelcer and Leah Gebber