Latest Two Cents
Two Cents
Michali Naiman and Chana Fishman
Two Cents
Michali Naiman and Chana Fishman
Two Cents
Michali Naiman and Chana Fishman
Two Cents
Michali Naiman and Chana Fishman
Two Cents
Michali Naiman and Chana Fishman
On My Shelf: Pesach Theme 5783
Writers share the backstory of the prized possession they’ll keep forever 
Rachel Bachrach
A Gift Passed Along
And that was it. Zeide was forced to simply step over the body and keep marching without pause
Adina Stilerman
A Gift Passed Along
“You, my friend, should be walking around with a camera all day”
Nachman Hellman
Feel the Heat
I was also a bit nervous because my sister Ruchama, who I’m facing off against, is a fantastic cook and baker
chananya eisenberger and ruchama yellin
Feel the Heat
Both my father and I love playing around in the kitchen, and we also both have a competitive streak
Shuey Vago
Theme Section: Time Will Tell
The clock is a constant in a shifting world. Six women share time-related tales
Roizy Baum
Theme Section: Time Will Tell
The clock is a constant in a shifting world. Six women share time-related tales
Esther Shaindy Leshkowitz
The Insider
Is housing discrimination a hate crime?
David G. Greenfield
The Insider
Each time we were outraged, each time nothing happened
David G. Greenfield
More Two Cents
Two Cents

Stressed hosts, late guests, and poached recipes

By Michali Naiman and Chana Fishman

Two Cents

Navigating the shidduch system is like rowing across the Atlantic in a leaky kayak, and mazel tov, you’ve reached the other side safely!

By Michali Naiman and Chana Fishman

Two Cents

When I say, “Make yourself at home,” I mean, “Feel free to unpack your lens solution”

By Chana Fishman and Michali Naiman

Two Cents

Unsolicited advice from people with no credentials but plenty of opinions

By Chana Fishman and Michali Naiman

Two Cents

Bewildered parents submit their questions

By Chana Fishman and Michali Naiman

Two Cents

“Would it kill them to send a note, preferably not written on a scrap of neon paper that’s buried under —and bleeding into —a heap of wet laundry?”

By Chana Fishman and Michali Naiman