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Mishpacha Staff
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Mishpacha Staff
For the Record
Dovi Safier and Yehuda Geberer
The Moment
Mishpacha Staff
The Moment
Mishpacha Staff
Torah Thought
Torah leaders confronting the Enlightenment were forced to develop innovative and original approaches to preserving and transmitting the mesorah. Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch’s groundbreaking commentary on Chumash stands out.
Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff
For Keeps: Rosh Hashanah Theme 5783
I can see the shul from my dining room window. The idea that it was so close, yet so far, was too much to bear
Binyomin Yudin 
For Keeps: Rosh Hashanah Theme 5783
“He would be killed just for having it in his possession. But a Torah is a Torah and my father was determined to save it”
Sandy Eller
Teen Feature
Teens' insights on what works, what doesn’t, and how they find and create inspiration in daily life
Bashie Lisker
Teen Feature
We sat down with a few principals from various schools to hear about the ins and outs of their job
Bashie Lisker
Special Tribute Supplement: Rav Ovadiah Yosef
Rav Ovadiah always viewed Shas as a bridge between religious and secular forces in Israel
Mishpacha Contributors
Special Tribute Supplement: Rav Ovadiah Yosef
“These sefarim are my fathers and teachers. When I was very young, I saved penny after penny so that I could purchase them. I went without bread to be able to buy another sefer for my home.”
Mishpacha Contributors
Family Reflections
Popular culture considers this a coping tool, but it’s damaging
Sarah Chana Radcliffe
Family Reflections
When does an obsession become an addiction?
Sarah Chana Radcliffe
More The Moment

In tribute to beloved mesivta rebbi Rabbi Yaakov Landau

By Nechemia Levy

The Moment

The boy mistakenly handed Matti the note he intended to insert into the Kosel

By Mishpacha Staff

The Moment

Which crucial topic is still missing from the frum podcast scene?

By Mishpacha Staff

For the Record

Conspicuously absent was an emerging rabbinical leader of the Old Yishuv, Rav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld

By Dovi Safier and Yehuda Geberer

The Moment

“Down here, it’s a secret, but up there, it’s the key that will unlock the gates of Eternity”

By Mishpacha Staff

The Moment

“If you couldn’t afford the money, why did you send it in the first place?”

By Mishpacha Staff