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Double Take
Rochel Samet
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Barbara Bensoussan
Shul with a View
Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman
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Rabbi Emanuel Feldman
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Reva Kaiser Barbalatt
Club Jr.
          What days are you counting? Why is there a number on your shirt?  IT is day 97. Day 100. It is day 135, 201, 287, 330, 366. One year, now come and gone. It is Day 400, and all I can see in the digits pinned to my dress are two
Jr. Contributors
Club Jr.
          What days are you counting? Why is there a number on your shirt?  IT is day 97. Day 100. It is day 135, 201, 287, 330, 366. One year, now come and gone. It is Day 400, and all I can see in the digits pinned to my dress are two
Jr. Contributors
My Lightning Flash
Six women share a moment that illuminated their path
Mishpacha Contributors
My Lightning Flash
As we stood at Har Sinai, we saw the thunder, heard the lightning. The lightning fades, but the sudden burst of clarity takes you forward. Six women share a moment that illuminated their path
Shoshana Schwartz
Touch Base
Our anxiety no longer has the same urgency — how do we keep feeling?
Mrs. Batya Weinberg
Touch Base
How do my worried feelings help the war effort?
Mrs. Batya Weinberg
Who Knows Eight: Chanukah Theme 5785
As we count our flames each night, do any of those numbers take on a life of their own?
Mishpacha Contributors
          What days are you counting? Why is there a number on your shirt?  IT is day 97. Day 100. It is day 135, 201, 287, 330, 366. One year, now come and gone. It is Day 400, and all I can see in the digits pinned to my dress are two
Sina Mizrahi
The impact that the fat makes on baked goods ranges from the flavor it imparts to the texture it contributes
Sina Mizrahi
More The Mix
Shul with a View

The gabbai thundered, “Yaamod Reb Yechezkel ben Reb Shlomo l’Kol Hane’arim!”

By Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman

Double Take

Everyone can use the extra hand, but you beat me to it, and now I’m drowning

By Rochel Samet

On Site

Am I crazy to be navigating the streets of Kabul, Afghanistan, while the Taliban warlords are watching my every move? 

By Benny Waxler

Second Thoughts

The issue of joy at the downfall of enemies is obviously a subtle and complex one

By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman

Shul with a View

“It wasn’t supposed to be this way,” said Mr. Greenberg. “She was only 79, and I’m ten years older”

By Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman

On Site

When there’s a makolet on every block, foraging means more than edible plants

By Ariella Schiller