Latest The Interior of Design
The Interior of Design
Miri Lichtman
The Interior of Design
The Interior of Design
Hanging in the Balance: Rosh Hashanah Theme 5784
Sometimes it feels as though your entire future hinges on an upcoming verdict that will change everything. 4 stories of women left hanging in the balance
Family First Readers
From Across The Oceans
“With that chein and smile, by taking three seconds to say good morning, he made an impact that was remembered years later”
Gedalia Guttentag
From Across The Oceans
“To lose such a talmid on Lag B’omer — how can we understand this?”
Yochonon Donn
Touch Base
Our anxiety no longer has the same urgency — how do we keep feeling?
Mrs. Batya Weinberg
Touch Base
How do my worried feelings help the war effort?
Mrs. Batya Weinberg
In a world fueled by sheker, Shabbos brings a taste of undiluted truth
Family First Contributors
It was glorious to be taken care of, pampered, all my needs tended to without me saying a word
Family First Contributors
As I sit with a group of men representing four decades of the yeshivah, they all have one thing in common: Scranton guy. How did the yeshivah create that glue?
Eytan Kobre
A historic dedication heralds new hope for Budapest’s Jews
Gershon Burstyn
More The Interior of Design
The Interior of Design

  U pcycling, elevating, or renewing a space is not often as big of a step as you might think. Sometimes adding current and impactful little details have a way of injecting newness and excitement into a space. Here are some of my favorite black and white accent pieces, all priced $50 or below.  

By Miri Lichtman

The Interior of Design

When we moved into our house, I purchased inexpensive, distressed counter stools. My husband joked that I’d bought old used chairs and everyone that walks in asks if they came with the house, yet everyone rushes to grab a seat at our coveted counter, which is spacious enough for working, eating, and having great conversation.

The Interior of Design

Spruce up your bathrooms with new hardware and mirrors