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Inside Israel
Eliezer Shulman
Washington Wrap
Omri Nahmias
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Binyamin Rose
The Current
Gedalia Guttentag
Metro & Beyond
Jacob Kornbluh
Win or Lose
How wrong had he been. Mr. Greenbaum was anything but a silly old man. He was actually one of the most brilliant and wealthy people around
Chaim Finkelstein
Win or Lose
Yitzy was shocked. Why on earth would Mr. Greenbaum ask him such a silly question? Was this a joke?
Chaim Finkelstein
“Maybe she’s starving and I’m neglecting her! Maybe I’m, like, an abusive mother! How do I know?”
Blimi Rabinowitz
He sat down on the couch heavily. He was a baby… but he couldn’t be. He needed to grow up. Like, yesterday
Ariella Schiller
Friendship Fix
I don’t want her to feel like she can’t lean on me because I don’t lean on her
Shoshana Itzkowitz
Friendship Fix
The best way to end the conversation without making an issue or insulting anyone is to subtly change the topic
Shoshana Itzkowitz
Behind the Book
Against the backdrop of the California Gold Rush, life on a Louisiana plantation, and Cherokee clan rivalries, the characters struggle with their own family dramas and dilemmas
Riki Goldstein
Behind the Book
M. Kenan shows her versatility as an author, crossing cultural worlds with integrity while remaining in the modern age
Riki Goldstein
Why I Do What I Do
No longer would I be a businessman who squeezed in some medical consulting between meetings. From now on, I realized, I had to devote the bulk of my day to medical advocacy
Sandy Eller
Why I Do What I Do
“Come and join us!” he shouted. “We need you. Help us bring these remains to a Jewish burial!”
Eliezer Shulman
More The Current
Inside Israel

Program to boost chareidi employment runs aground on the rocks of bureaucracy

By Tzippy Yarom

Global View

How Obama gave a free pass to Hezbollah’s narco-terror nexus

By Gershon Burstyn

Washington Wrap

Agenda 2018: New year, new goals for President Trump

By Omri Nahmias

A Few Minutes With

EU Ambassador Emanuele Giaufret: “Everyone recognizes the connection of the Jewish People with Jerusalem”

By Binyamin Rose

The Opinionator

German prosecutors are preparing to bring to trial nine people accused of being concentration camp guards. The trials reawaken decades-old questions

By Gedalia Guttentag

Metro & Beyond

Buy now, pain later? How Trump’s tax bill impacts observant Jews

By Jacob Kornbluh