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Binyamin Rose
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Eliezer Shulman
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Omri Nahmias
Washington Wrap
Omri Nahmias
Washington Wrap
Omri Nahmias
Words Unspoken
I’ve seen the pattern. When you see a girl slipping, nebach, you’re suddenly nice
Words Unspoken
We know that you’re both in terrible pain. But we need to say something to both of you
What words can possibly fix loss? We speak in these situations because we feel uncomfortable not to
Binyomin Yudin 
in the pleasant afterglow of Yom Kippur we are happy to just sit in the moment with our mitzvos
Moshe Krakowski
The Art of the Deal
White House envoy Avi Berkowitz traces the story behind the historic Israel-UAE deal
Gedalia Guttentag
The Art of the Deal
The diplomatic coup announced by Trumpian tweet last week to a stunned world began only a few months ago on the olive-green hills of Judea and Samaria
Gedalia Guttentag
Match Quest
Rules are a lot like clichés. They came about for a reason. And like clichés, sometimes they apply and sometimes they don’t
Sara Eisemann
Match Quest
I discovered two significant patterns regarding the women who were “skipped”
Sara Eisemann
Imperial Moment
The new president has a Day One pen – here’s how he’ll wield it
Rafael Hoffman
Imperial Moment
Israel's wish list for Trump
Binyamin Rose
More The Current
Inside Israel

Israel’s air supremacy threatened as Russia deploys S-300 missile system

By Eliezer Shulman

Washington Wrap

Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation will tip the court toward a 5-4 conservative majority. Here are a few areas where his vote might make a lasting difference

By Omri Nahmias

Washington Wrap

Trump’s Supreme Court victory fires up Republicans for midterm fight

By Omri Nahmias

Eye on Europe

Turkey expert Dr. Hay Eytan Cohen Yanarocak of Tel Aviv University on the fallout
from the alleged murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi

By Gedalia Guttentag

The Current

Will a former soldier destroy Brazil’s left?

By Yaakov Lipszyc

The Current

All hail Nikki, Israel’s best friend

By Gershon Burstyn