Latest The Current: Israel vs. the World
The Current: Israel vs. the World
Mishpacha Contributors
The Current: Israel vs. the World
Alan Mendoza
The Current: Israel vs. the World
John Bolton
The Current: Israel vs. the World
Zalman Shoval
The Current: Israel vs. the World
Eugene Kontorovich
Between the barracks in Auschwitz and the once-peaceful pathways of the towns in the Gaza Envelope, will Jewish life ever go back to safe mode?
Rabbi Yisrael Goldwasser
Is there a rebbi or morah who gave you the lesson of a lifetime? Readers share those life-altering interactions
Mishpacha Readers
Take a Stand
“Strengthening one area of avodas Hashem shouldn’t be seen as an impediment to growing in other areas”
Mishpacha Contributors
Take a Stand
“Parents willing to sign falsely are teaching their child that dishonesty is okay... when it gets you what you want”
Mishpacha Contributors
Sound Bites
With wisdom, humor, and a passion to help his contemporaries, he’s embarked on a mission to help other zaidies make the most of the time they have in the best years of their lives
Chaia Frishman
Sound Bites
I remember that feeling of drowning after I had my second baby in Israel, 14 months after my first. I didn’t want anyone else to experience that helpless feeling
Chaia Frishman
My Yeshivah: Shavuos 5782
The boys would go home for Pesach and Succos, and the place lost its energy; the town became a shadow of itself
Rivka Streicher
My Yeshivah: Shavuos 5782
“To understand how remarkable the accusations against Israel are, one needs to know about how other countries fight wars” Photo: AP Images I srael is fighting perhaps the most precise, restrained, and disciplined war in the history of modern conflict. Unlike the wars of the US (and the UK and other Western countries) in Iraq,
Family First Contributors
Unlock Your Heart
Awash in questions, drowning in doubt, we're still cherished
Faigie Zelcer and Leah Gebber
Unlock Your Heart
How can we find a pathway into the Yamim Noraim with this mixture of guilt, fear, and paralysis?
Faigie Zelcer and Leah Gebber
More The Current: Israel vs. the World
The Current: Israel vs. the World

When Jews can’t wear a yarmulke or won’t wear a Magen David, this is very worrisome

By Malcolm Hoenlein