Latest Teen Fiction
Teen Fiction
Roizy Baum
Teen Fiction
Chevy Kepecs
Teen Fiction
Chavy Gold
Teen Fiction
Ruchy Gold
Teen Fiction
Fraidy Goldberger
If Only You Knew
"There’s a conception out there that policemen walk around shooting wantonly. In my experience and training, that’s hardly the truth"
Chaya Inselburg
Personal Accounts
“Mommy, can you hear me? Can someone get me out of here?” A deep silence surrounded me. Why was nobody answering me? Photos: Menachem Kalish Was her hair bushy or simply unkempt? Were her curls orange or just dirty? Brenda was my new sister, by choice. Though actually, I didn’t have a choice. I was
Mishpacha Contributors
Personal Accounts
This year, this niggun was an anthem because we showed it. He’s always there for us, but this year, we were there for Him too.
Yisroel Besser
Pesach Prep with the Pros
“Mommy, can you hear me? Can someone get me out of here?” A deep silence surrounded me. Why was nobody answering me? Photos: Menachem Kalish Was her hair bushy or simply unkempt? Were her curls orange or just dirty? Brenda was my new sister, by choice. Though actually, I didn’t have a choice. I was
C.B. Gavant
Pesach Prep with the Pros
With the busiest season of the Jewish year upon us, how can we balance all of our responsibilities while still nurturing our homes, our children, our husbands, and our spirituality?
Sara Glaz
Medical Mystery
I had a new baby — and no white blood cells. No one knew what was going on
Faigy Peritzman
Medical Mystery
My daughter suffered a rare complication — again and again
Faigy Peritzman
Fork in the Road
“Mommy, can you hear me? Can someone get me out of here?” A deep silence surrounded me. Why was nobody answering me? Photos: Menachem Kalish Was her hair bushy or simply unkempt? Were her curls orange or just dirty? Brenda was my new sister, by choice. Though actually, I didn’t have a choice. I was
Michal Frischman
Fork in the Road
“Mommy, can you hear me? Can someone get me out of here?” A deep silence surrounded me. Why was nobody answering me? Photos: Menachem Kalish Was her hair bushy or simply unkempt? Were her curls orange or just dirty? Brenda was my new sister, by choice. Though actually, I didn’t have a choice. I was
Rivki Rabinowitz
More Teen Fiction
Teen Fiction

“Hello, Raizy,” the voice at the other end greeted me. I definitely hadn’t heard that voice before and wondered who she was and what she wanted

By Malky Cope

Teen Fiction

When I reached the door to the stairs, I found it was closed. Not only that, but it was locked, and we did not have the key

By Tsirel Pacht

Teen Fiction

Not that Raizy is the only queen in our class. There are others too; others who, shall we say, the teachers actually approve of

By Chana Cohen

Teen Fiction

“G-d willing, I will marry a Judeo, and give my eldest daughter this ring so that she may continue the line”

By Hannah Ludzker

Teen Fiction

I was always intrigued by the ring. Mother rarely took it off, and when she did, she always hid it away inside a little blue jewelry box

By Hannah Ludzker

Teen Fiction

Was it her fault she felt everything so deeply? How could she explain to anyone that she simply couldn’t help getting affected by things?

By Chevy Kepecs