Latest Teen Diary Serial
Teen Diary Serial
Matti Silverstein
Teen Diary Serial
Matti Silverstein
Teen Diary Serial
Matti Silverstein
Teen Diary Serial
Matti Silverstein
Teen Diary Serial
Matti Silverstein
Step It Up
“I can’t even imagine how you did it,” Chavala says. “That’s… that’s torturous!”   Igo to school on Monday weighed down by a very large brick called, “I am a terrible person because I ate treif.” I am a very good robot, and I do everything I’m supposed to, down to cracking jokes when appropriate,
Mindel Kassorla
Step It Up
When you focus on the now, the future becomes possible
Mindel Kassorla
Top 5
In honor of Shavuos, my top five
Ahron Cohn
Top 5
"This historically themed but very relevant train adventure puts you in the shoes of a shtetl Yid seeking a shidduch!"
Ahron Cohn
Man With a Pan
I love to cook, so pulling off a full Shabbos should be easy, right?
Rabbi Aharon Nikop
Man With a Pan
A true father-in-law/son-in-law bonding experience
Shia Klein and Zevi Berkovich
Next in Line
"I don’t want to waste my time trying to copy Abba, I’d rather develop according to my own abilities"
Riki Goldstein
Next in Line
"I inherited some of the passion and I am outspoken, but regretfully, not the same degree of tact"
Riki Goldstein
Family Reflections
It’s an illusion to think we have control over our children’s future
Sarah Chana Radcliffe
Family Reflections
There’s a place for punishment
Sarah Chana Radcliffe
More Teen Diary Serial
Teen Diary Serial

I feel weighed down. How can I get up and face the day if I might be mentally ill? Heeeeeelp!!!!

By Matti Silverstein

Teen Diary Serial

I feel more depressed than I ever felt before. How do I get out of this?

By Matti Silverstein

Teen Diary Serial

All that is penetrating through the haziness of my mind is: How in the world will I keep my eyes open today?

By Matti Silverstein

Teen Diary Serial

I feel like a total mess, but it will be okay at the end, I know it will

By Matti Silverstein

Teen Diary Serial

Even if I can calm down for a minute the anxious feelings will come back, I know they will

By Matti Silverstein

Teen Diary Serial

I try telling my fear not to panic about panicking, but it’s like trying to talk a cat out of stalking your yard. It doesn’t listen.

By Matti Silverstein