Latest Take 5
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Shira Isenberg, RD, MPH and Yitzchok Saftlas
Take 5
Shira Isenberg, RD, MPH and Yitzchok Saftlas
Take 5
Yitzchok Saftlas
Take 5
Yitzchok Saftlas
Take 5
Yitzchok Saftlas
tastes like shabbos
Just the word itself brings waves of nostalgia for the beautiful Shabbosos of my childhood
Family Table Readers
tastes like shabbos
A teacher and a mother, Rebbetzin Machlis cooked for several hundred guests every Shabbos for decades
Sarah Faygie Berkowitz
Bentzi and the Peacock Feathers
A    bout the Expert:  Chris O’Neill serves as CEO of Evernote — a wildly popular note-taking and organizational app. Under his leadership, Evernote has achieved incredible growth, more than doubling users in the past two years — without a sales team. Currently 220 million people around the globe use Evernote, over half of whom work in
Shifra Glick
Bentzi and the Peacock Feathers
“Slow down. Let’s think logically. What exactly is suspicious here? Kids always like to look at animals”
Shifra Glick
Editors Note
Whether we promote ourselves on Instagram or not, we all already have a unique brand of our own — because Hashem made us that way.
Alex Abel
Editors Note
When I get to that place, I remember that Hashem has a plan tailor-made for me
Alex Abel
Who Is Bavli?
“Buy pitah?” Bavli was incredulous. “I’ve never heard of such a thing. Maybe in the big cities.”
Sivi Sekula
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Invigorate a “sleepy industry” with innovation,Take 5: Business Tips from Peloton COO Tom Cortese,Invigorate a “sleepy industry” with innovation

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Neuroscience-Based Executive Coach Helps Leaders Capitalize on Growth

By Shira Isenberg, RD, MPH

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Neuroscience-Based Executive Coach Helps Leaders Capitalize on Growth

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