Latest Sidekick
Hadassa Swerds
Hadassa Swerds
Esty Heller
Sarah Moses Spero
Hadassa Swerds
Connection Everywhere: Yom Kippur Theme 5783
“Please come with me,” she begged. “It’ll be a one-time thing — and the trip won’t last more than 24 hours”
Sarah Pardes
Connection Everywhere: Yom Kippur Theme 5783
It wouldn’t be easy to both fast and care for my father the entire day. So, the zechus of the mitzvah fell on me
Sarah Pardes
News Feature
As selected hostages emerge from Gaza, joy mingles with dread
Avi Blum, ESQ and Binyamin Rose and Chananel Shapiro and Yaakov Lipszyc
News Feature
The Crown Heights riots, 30 years on
Yochonon Donn
Hanging in the Balance: Rosh Hashanah Theme 5784
Sometimes it feels as though your entire future hinges on an upcoming verdict that will change everything. 4 stories of women left hanging in the balance
Family First Readers
Standing Ovation
When do things ever go exactly as planned? Well, maybe not as we plan it, but Someone has it all planned out
Dovid Nachman Golding
Standing Ovation
You might be surprised to discover who the real people behind the famous voices of our favorite characters actually were
Dovid Nachman Golding
The Money Trap
I was the perfect dupe; the case study for Credit Card Marketing 101. Until it all came crashing down on me and I risked losing everything
Gila Arnold
The Money Trap
They were living in Israel, but their spending habits were still American. It was a financial disaster waiting to happen
Gila Arnold
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By Esty Heller


Of course, I’m delighted that my children believe that I am wise and all-knowing

By Hadassa Swerds


You slowly discover the many hats you’ve invited onto your head

By Esty Heller


Between the ages of 2 and 20 the only words you will hear out of their collective mouths are the emphatic, “No!” and “I want!”

By Sarah Moses Spero


I share some excerpts with you, my faithful readers, because this level of truth and clarity is not easy to come by

By Hadassa Swerds


It’s like a conglomeration of the years of plenty and the years of hunger. There’s nothing, nothing to eat, and yet, there are egg kichels

By Esty Heller