Latest Serial
Esther Kurtz
Map the Starlight
Leah Gebber
Grab the Reins
Shoshana Schwartz
Normal Like Me
Ruti Kepler
Esther Kurtz
Torah Thought
Torah leaders confronting the Enlightenment were forced to develop innovative and original approaches to preserving and transmitting the mesorah. Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch’s groundbreaking commentary on Chumash stands out.
Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff
Quick Q
C hana greeted me so warmly you’d never have known we’d just met. “It might take a while” she said. I sat down and frowned. Is she gonna talk to me? I hope she doesn’t talk to me I don’t have what to say and this Daniel stress is not helping my social show. “Should
Quick Q
What happened to a trusted sibling or friend?
5 to 9
As we wrap up this column (for now), the team at Mishpacha felt that the best possible candidate for a final interview would be me
Moe Mernick
5 to 9
"Writing a book when you’re depressed is one serious challenge. But I knew it had to be done, that it was something that could benefit the tzibbur"
Moe Mernick
Day in the Life
Jonathan Heller is the CEO of MikvaTech, a water purification company based in Jerusalem, where he lives
Rachel Bachrach
Day in the Life
"At first I called it the Shoel Umeishiv hotline, but a lot of boys don’t know what a shoel umeishiv is, so we changed it to Dial-a-Rebbi"
Rachel Bachrach
Name Drop
When he was younger, he sounded off in order to survive. Today he’s an advocate for his people by choice. With Yossi Gestetner’s open mike, no one goes down without a fight
Yisroel Besser
Name Drop
His zeide loved connecting with other Jews and so does he_— through digital age albums and scouting out raw talent that no computer can replace,
Yisroel Besser
More Serial
Map the Starlight

It is night when the note is thrown in through the window of Papa’s study. Papa is sleeping, but Aster still prowls, restless, around the house,Map the Starlight: Chapter 15,It is night when the note is thrown in through the window of Papa’s study. Papa is sleeping, but Aster still prowls, restless, around the house

By Leah Gebber


“You’re right, I’m going to make a friend, now stop talking about it before I cut off my nose to spite my chin”,Facets: Chapter 5,“You’re right, I’m going to make a friend, now stop talking about it before I cut off my nose to spite my chin”

By Esther Kurtz

Map the Starlight

“Brother Francis, you forget that while you remain secluded in the priory, some of us must enter the godless world and bring it faith”,Map the Starlight: Chapter 14,“Brother Francis, you forget that while you remain secluded in the priory, some of us must enter the godless world and bring it faith”

By Leah Gebber

Grab the Reins

Yisroel kept his nose clean. If he didn’t break any rules, he figured he’d sail through his six months by staying under the radar,Grab the Reins: Chapter 21,Yisroel kept his nose clean. If he didn’t break any rules, he figured he’d sail through his six months by staying under the radar

By Shoshana Schwartz

Normal Like Me

On the one hand, she hadn’t wanted him. On the other hand, she’d already begun getting used to the idea that he would be her husband,Normal Like Me: Chapter 8,On the one hand, she hadn’t wanted him. On the other hand, she’d already begun getting used to the idea that he would be her husband

By Ruti Kepler

Map the Starlight

“Every map needs a central point. Through that central point, you orient yourself, you calculate where all other lands are in relation to it”,Map the Starlight: Chapter 13,“Every map needs a central point. Through that central point, you orient yourself, you calculate where all other lands are in relation to it”

By Leah Gebber