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Shoshana Friedman
Shoshana Friedman
Shoshana Friedman
Shoshana Friedman
Shoshana Friedman
Kitchen Encounters
It turns out that pickles can be anything you like: sweet, spicy, crunchy, soft, simple, complex, or even part of dessert!
Helen Shere
Kitchen Encounters
It’s not as hard as you think it is
Esther Shaindy Leshkowitz
Personal Accounts
Is tolerance a uniquely American concept, a value that just couldn’t survive the heat on its ill-fated journey to the Mideast? I ’m walking up Shmuel Hanavi Street on Shabbos afternoon with my children. The scene is right out of a Malchus Waxberger tableau: Knots of little boys with perfectly curled peyos and jewel-toned vests
Mishpacha Contributors
Personal Accounts
This year, this niggun was an anthem because we showed it. He’s always there for us, but this year, we were there for Him too.
Yisroel Besser
Dinner Diaries
Real-world meal strategies from Family First reader Chani Klein
Riki Goldstein
Naming Myself
Most of us are given our Jewish names at birth. But sometimes, we gain our name later in life. 3 accounts
Rikki Silver
Naming Myself
Most of us are given our Jewish names at birth. But sometimes, we gain our name later in life. 3 accounts
Rochel Samet
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Is writing craft or art? If you don’t have it, can you ever find it?

By Shoshana Friedman


After a week of drama, outrage, and poisonous name-calling, the cancellation of the concert might have been the most peaceful conclusion. But it was also the saddest

By Shoshana Friedman


Once again I learned that I’m not the one writing the script

By Shoshana Friedman


A flash of inspiration is a Divine gift that falls into our minds or our laps

By Shoshana Friedman


Can we highlight the chesed while acknowledging the pain?

By Shoshana Friedman


As a magazine, it’s not our role to dictate communal standards. Instead, we share what worked for others, we focus on initiatives that look promising, we highlight numbers and data — but mostly we start a conversation

By Shoshana Friedman