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Rocking Horse
Leah Gebber
Rocking Horse
Leah Gebber
Rocking Horse
Leah Gebber
Rocking Horse
Leah Gebber
Day in the Life
Jonathan Heller is the CEO of MikvaTech, a water purification company based in Jerusalem, where he lives
Rachel Bachrach
Day in the Life
"At first I called it the Shoel Umeishiv hotline, but a lot of boys don’t know what a shoel umeishiv is, so we changed it to Dial-a-Rebbi"
Rachel Bachrach
Kitchen Encounters
It turns out that pickles can be anything you like: sweet, spicy, crunchy, soft, simple, complex, or even part of dessert!
Helen Shere
Kitchen Encounters
It’s not as hard as you think it is
Esther Shaindy Leshkowitz
Hannah had learned quickly that there were some privileges one did not turn away     Hannah prowls Dr. Werther’s examining room. On the bookshelf, in front of the leather-bound tomes — Encyclopedia of Nervous Ailments — is a large, ivory snake. She picks it up, runs her fingertip along the serpentine coils. The ivory is cold
Raquel Goldish
Getting out in the morning with little kids can be nuts! What are your suggestions to ease the morning madness?
Mindel Kassorla
Hannah had learned quickly that there were some privileges one did not turn away     Hannah prowls Dr. Werther’s examining room. On the bookshelf, in front of the leather-bound tomes — Encyclopedia of Nervous Ailments — is a large, ivory snake. She picks it up, runs her fingertip along the serpentine coils. The ivory is cold
Refoel Pride
More Rocking Horse
Rocking Horse

“Wherever. They give us their thoughts, but not their bodies. They give us analysis, but not experience.”

By Leah Gebber

Rocking Horse

Ernst is still treating her like a china doll, and Emmy is distant

By Leah Gebber

Rocking Horse

She has not been outside the walls of the sanatorium — she prefers not to call it a hospital — for four months

By Leah Gebber

Rocking Horse

Hannah had learned quickly that there were some privileges one did not turn away

By Leah Gebber