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Avraham Daniels
Open Mic
Rabbi Leibel Karmel
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Esther Taub
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Dovid Nulman
Open Mic
R.L., Far Rockaway
In the Arms of Rabi Shimon
Something has to change so that women don’t become so disillusioned that they simply choose to give up     W hen I was a young adult, knew exactly what I wanted to be. I wanted to become a teacher and change the world, teach the next generation to love Hashem and the Torah and
Mishpacha Contributors
In the Arms of Rabi Shimon
We’re holding on, Tatteh. Listen to the hespedim, listen to the anguished voices as they praise You
Yisroel Besser
Cooking School
Like water cooler talk for housewives
Danielle Renov
Cooking School
Does It Really Matter If My Stovetop Is the Right Temperature?
Danielle Renov
On Site
Artists from around the world give their own expression to the horrors of October 7
Barbara Bensoussan
On Site
Am I crazy to be navigating the streets of Kabul, Afghanistan, while the Taliban warlords are watching my every move? 
Benny Waxler
“Oh, goodness, I’m so happy. It’s amazing what a good fit does to a gown. Beautiful, beautiful”
Esty Heller
It was not my place to tell Yocheved what to do. This was her business, her responsibility. I couldn’t change the world
Esty Heller
Ideas in 3 Dimensions
Rav Yitzchak Hutner is still speaking to you
Rabbi Dovid Bashevkin
Ideas in 3 Dimensions
No one ever really finds Rav Tzaddok — Rav Tzaddok finds you
Dovid Bashevkin
More Open Mic
Open Mic

Although it may not be intentional, it seems that our Jewish media are subliminally encouraging a lifestyle that many can’t afford

By Yosef Weiss

Open Mic

A generation without strong and inspired mothers

By Shaina King

Open Mic

Mindy has to feel good; it doesn’t matter that I feel bad

By Miriam Klein Adelman

Open Mic

Chinuch is not a career choice, it is a life calling

By Rabbi Avrohom Pfeiffer

Open Mic

We want to get married. Help us want to date

By Dovid Zaidman

Open Mic

The frum community must reclaim its internal Zusha!

By Leah Aharoni