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One of the Flock
Mishpacha Contributors
One of the Flock
Shoshana Sperling
One of the Flock
Rabbi Moshe Grylak zt"l
One of the Flock
Gedalia Guttentag
One of the Flock
Rabbi Mendel Teldon
My Yeshivah: Shavuos 5782
The boys would go home for Pesach and Succos, and the place lost its energy; the town became a shadow of itself
Rivka Streicher
My Yeshivah: Shavuos 5782
"On Rosh Hashanah, the King comes dressed in His finest. Shouldn’t we present ourselves in our finest?” Chabad of Mid-Suffolk Commack, New York Rabbi Mendel Teldon   Where I grew up, we had a minyan only on Shabbos morning. Finding ten men to come daven daily was not something the local Jewish community could handle.
Family First Contributors
True Colors
The only thing I thought I was good at was being lonely. And trust me, it’s not a good thing to be good at
Chaya Rosen
True Colors
Since when do fire alarms actually mean a fire?
Chaya Rosen
“Only what HaKadosh Baruch Hu says about me is important, anything else is absolutely insignificant”
Rabbi Chaim Aryeh Zev Ginzberg
Is it burnout, or something else? Or are we just all “tefillah’ed out”? I am afraid it is something else completely
Rabbi Chaim Aryeh Zev Ginzberg
Five Random Questions
I think we’re all trying to be considerate of each other. As my father said, “We became such good friends!”
Shoshana Itzkowitz
Five Random Questions
"I love nature and beautiful scenery. The Alps are as un-NYC as you can get!"
Chaya Rosen
This was the first time that working hard, fast, and creatively would get me in trouble.
Chef Suzie Gornish
More One of the Flock
One of the Flock

He had the smallest shofar I had ever seen, but the sound he produced was deafening

By Rabbi Yossi Bensoussan

One of the Flock

I doubt she ever realized that a little kid, her admiring student, was impacted by her tefillos

By Esty Heller